Nairobi Nightlife Experience with Dinner

Sightseeing  :  Kenya  :  Central Kenya  :  Nairobi  :  Nightlife
  • Nairobi Nightlife Experience with Dinner

Nairobi, Kenya

Rating:  2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
Trip Type:   Nightlife
Duration:  3 hours
Trade Kenya’s wildlife for its nightlife on this 3-hour Nairobi by night tour. Discover a different side to Nairobi on this evening tour, and discover some of the city’s hotspots after dark with a local guide. Do as the locals do and unwind with a drink (or three in this case) as well as a dinner of hearty East African cuisine. Numbers are limited to 12 on this small-group tour, ensuring an intimate dining experience and personalized attention from a guide.

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Trade Kenya’s wildlife for its nightlife on this 3-hour Nairobi by night tour. Discover a different side to Nairobi on this evening tour, and discover some of the city’s hotspots after dark with a local guide. Do as the locals do and unwind with a drink (or three in this case) as well as a dinner of hearty East African cuisine. Numbers are limited to 12 on this small-group tour, ensuring an intimate dining experience and personalized attention from a guide. After meeting your expert guide in central Nairobi, hop in your air-conditioned minivan and travel to your first stop of the evening: a local bar in Nairobi’s Central Business District. Order a Tusker beer or one of the other deliciously refreshing local beers for a true Kenyan experience. Tusker has been brewed in Africa since the 1920s and is an icon of Kenyan and East African society. Other drinks including wine, local juices and soft drinks such as tangawizi (local version of ginger beer) are also available. With your drink in hand, sit back, relax and observe local Nairobi life.

Next, return to your minivan and enjoy a short ride to a local Nairobi restaurant for dinner with another drink. Choose from a range of traditional African food including nyama choma (barbequed meat) and mbuzi (goat) served with quintessential Kenyan accompaniments such as ugali (dough-like side dish) and kachumbari (tomato, onion and cilantro relish). The selection of traditional Swahili dishes also on the menu brings an exotic mix of African, Arabian and Indian flavors.

After dinner, head onto your final stop of the tour and enjoy a relaxing nightcap at a local bar. Take a seat with your small group and guide and enjoy your after-dinner drink as you chat with your guide about life in Kenya and discover the answers to any questions about the incredible city of Nairobi.

End your evening back at the original departure point with your stomach full and your thirst for local beer and culture well and truly quenched.

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